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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Christian Bakers Found Guilty: The State Is God, and Homosexuals Are Its Prophet

By Rick Pearcey • February 5, 2015, 11:19 AM

Leonardo Blair reports at Christian Post:

Christian owners of a bakery in Gresham, Oregon, who were forced to close their business in 2013 due to backlash over their refusal to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding based on religious objections, were found guilty of discrimination Monday.

Melissa and Aaron Klein "now have to pay the couple up to $150,000 in fines," according to Christian Post.

"We're facing in excess of $150,000 in damages for this, just for simply standing by my First Amendment rights," Christian Post quotes Aaron as saying. "My attorney likens this -- he calls it economic terrorism."

Comment: The Kleins are not guilty of discrimination. What they are guilty of is thinking for themselves and making choices consistent with the U.S. Constitution (freedom of religion) and the Declaration of Independence (the unalienable right to liberty).

The real discriminators here and the real haters here are the homosexualists manipulating American law to impose a deeply intolerant and profoundly un-American belief system.

The Kleins, as free human beings capable of self-determination, are under no legitimate obligation to recognize and submit to counterfeit marriage imposed by homosexuals, any more than they are obligated to recognize and submit to counterfeit money plied by organized crime.

Yes, the mob might harm the Kleins if they refuse to accept phony money. And yes, the state is harming them for refusing to accept phony "marriage."

In fact, the state government of Oregon has lost its way, and the people of Oregon would do well to rise up and throw off, peaceably, this fascist use of government power. Economic terror is unacceptable.

By the way, I do mean fascist, for fascism occurs when an authoritarian state plays at being deity and seeks to impose pretended absolutes and relativistic values upon the body politic.

Do not be bamboozled by media talk of "liberation" and "equality" or by carefully crafted sob stories offered up as justifications.

Underneath that camouflage are weapons of war and hate directed at unalienable rights and human dignity sourced in having been "created equal" and "endowed" by the Creator with "certain unalienable rights."

It is a hatred in which the state is god and homosexuals are its prophet.

But it is a hatred that cannot stand. You cannot reject the rules of freedom today and expect to remain free tomorrow. He who sleeps with fascism awakes in chains.